
[Tiny Light Foundation]

Our mission is to provide and capture memories that will help provide a family with one less thing to worry about. In the mist of dealing with doctors appointments, specialist appointments or just the daily life of medicines, rushing here to there for weights, check ups, and the many many other things we deal with in everyday life. A lot of the time photographs seem to take a back burner and not only with time, but with funds. When we look back we want to remember and even though you may not forget what you and your child has gone through we always want more we need the memories to last "Forever".

Tiny Light Family and Photographer Picnic

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Just over two weeks ago we hosted our first family and photographer picnic.  The day was amazing the sun met us nice and early while we set up, and stayed with us all day.  Not only did we have perfect weather we were met with such great company.  Families came from all over the Lower mainland and Fraser Valley.

It was so great to meet all these tiny lights that we have come to know through photographs and stories.  As well as the people who help us captures these moments.  Spending the better part of the morning with these children was so rewarding.

Without the help of so many great people this event would not have been so perfect. 

Food was provided by Optimist Club of Abbotsford, and it was so yummy.  Thanks guys for coming out and providing us with an amazing meal free of charge.

We can't forget Christine Wiebe, Cake Jewels (Tiny Light mom to Orin), Rick and Deena's Fruit and Veggies, Paul Esposito from Esposito Group, Baby Signing Time by Patti Biwer, Kim Mallory, Jenna & Nicole Mallory.  We appreciate everyone helping make this day as special as it was.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the bouncy castles, craft table, and circle time with Patti who sang songs and played some games with the kids.

Thank you for everyone who came out to enjoy the day with us and a big thank you for everyone who helped make the day so special.  We look forward to next year.

The Tiny Light Team
Melissa, Billie and Matt


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