
[Tiny Light Foundation]

Our mission is to provide and capture memories that will help provide a family with one less thing to worry about. In the mist of dealing with doctors appointments, specialist appointments or just the daily life of medicines, rushing here to there for weights, check ups, and the many many other things we deal with in everyday life. A lot of the time photographs seem to take a back burner and not only with time, but with funds. When we look back we want to remember and even though you may not forget what you and your child has gone through we always want more we need the memories to last "Forever".

Another Tiny Light Guest Blog!

Monday, July 11, 2011
Our 2 yr old daughter has global delays from a rare genetic disorder and we've tried CME and the Anat Baniel Method (ABM). I really, really, really like ABM. It's gentle and she loves the sessions. You can just see her little face light up and pay attention to what the therapist is doing, like you can SEE her learning about her body as the therapist does her thing. And we've seen immediate results too, which are almost unbelievable if I wasn't in the same room watching the whole thing happen.

Anyways... we've traveled very long distances to get this therapy and spent a lot of money, so I've put together a 4 day block of sessions in Summerland BC this summer. Here's the info if interested...

If you know of any families with a child with special needs in the Okanagan area please pass this on…

I will be hosting an ABM therapist at my mom’s house in Summerland BC Aug 13-16 and am looking for families interested in hourly sessions.

We've traveled to Toronto and Edmonton for this therapy and I knew from the first lesson, that it was all worth it. Our 2 year old daughter, Sarah, has changed so much with each session. We’ve seen immediate and lasting improvements in her balance, coordination and cognitive abilities.

The Anat Baniel Method (ABM) uses gentle, innovative techniques to help the brain form new neural connections and patterns that take the child beyond their current limitations. While it is a process, the changes begin happening right away and are often quite dramatic.

For more info on ABM, please visit the link and take a look at the amazing videos (we didn't see quite this dramatic of a change, but I did see changes which lasted right after her first lesson)
http://www.anatbanielmethod.com/help-ch ... erview.htm

If you know of any child with a Genetic Disorder, CP, Developmental Delays, or Autism in the Okanagan area please pass on my email for more info: jenrx99@hotmail.com

Thanks so much!!


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