
[Tiny Light Foundation]

Our mission is to provide and capture memories that will help provide a family with one less thing to worry about. In the mist of dealing with doctors appointments, specialist appointments or just the daily life of medicines, rushing here to there for weights, check ups, and the many many other things we deal with in everyday life. A lot of the time photographs seem to take a back burner and not only with time, but with funds. When we look back we want to remember and even though you may not forget what you and your child has gone through we always want more we need the memories to last "Forever".

The Tiny Light's BLOG!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

It is with great excitement that we bring to you new The Tiny Light’s Blog! 

We are always looking so forward to sharing the stories and photos of our amazing Tiny Lights, yet we have many behind the scenes things to talk about as well. We are hoping that by starting a blog we will be able to keep everyone informed on things such as updates on past Tiny Lights, News, Media, etc. We will also be posting about upcoming and past events and fundraising!

Our Tiny Light families are spread from one side of Canada to the other. Not everyone can partake in every event or fundraiser. Please visit us here regularly so you can still be a part of this amazing journey regardless of how close or far you may be.  Because once you’re heart has been warmed by a Tiny Light, you are part of our growing family.

The Tiny Light Team


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